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Detailed information on how you can improve your health conditions, including anxiety / stress, auto immune, insomnia, hormonal imbalance, thyroid, weight loss - just to name a few.

I come across many people in my practice, who are suffering from autoimmune disorders, and are looking for ways to overcome them. Unfortunately, autoimmunity is a silent epidemic and many people ask: what is an autoimmune condition, how do autoimmune conditions occur, what are the causes? If you want to better understand this silent epidemic, keep reading.

It is important that your immune system is promoting good bacteria, as our digestive process is highly dependent on the balance of beneficial bacteria throughout the digestive tract. Probiotics enhance digestive system function and overall wellbeing, as well as regulate immune function through interacting with the large proportion of immune cells located in our digestive system.

With the festive season upon us yet again, I thought it would be useful to provide some healthy tips to help get you through the silly season. During the festive season we are more likely to be indulging in alcohol and rich, sweet and fatty foods, increasing the toxic load for our poor livers to process. The liver is responsible for processing these nutrients and determines whether they are to be used as energy, stored as fat tissue or eliminated from the body.

As a Naturopath, I believe that building healthy bones is important, as your bones reflect the total health of your body. There is more to it than just increasing your calcium supplements.
Unfortunately, Osteoporosis is an ever-increasing problem in Western societies. This debilitating problem is only set to get worse as people continue to live longer. The general consensus is that calcium is the principle nutrient required for healthy bones. Whilst it is true that calcium is the primary mineral contained in bone, there are many other minerals, vitamins, dietary and lifestyle factors which affect the health of our bones. This article will discuss these in detail.

Spring is seen as a time of renewal with the birth of new life and energy after the cold of winter. It is a time when many people do spring cleaning. It is a good time to clear out any unwanted items and give your living environment a good clean out. Here are my top Spring Cleaning Tips to create a happier healthier home as a healthy home is vital for a healthy you.