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Winter Cold & Flu Blues

Do you dread the winter months when you and your family easily succumb to coughs and colds, sneezing and sniffly noses, headaches, sore throats, or muscular aches and fevers from the flu? These symptoms, whilst normally mild, are the leading causes of days off work and school, and can leave many people feeling sick and tired.

Causes of Weakened Immunity

A strong, healthy immune system is able to keep us well, even when those around us are coughing, sneezing and getting sick. Unfortunately due our fast paced lifestyles, pollution ridden cities and toxins in our food and water supply, our immune systems are on the decline. Other important factors which influence immune function are poor sleep, a lack of regular exercise and relaxation and making poor food choices most notably lack of vegetables, good quality protein and essential fats like nuts, seeds and fish, and an excess of processed foods, sugars, refined carbohydrates and trans fats such as pizzas, chips, pies, hamburgers, cakes, biscuits and soft drinks.

What to Do For a Cold or Flu?

Both the common cold and flu are caused by viruses, with the most common virus being rhinovirus. What many people may not realise, is that antibiotics target only bacteria and are not able to kill the viruses responsible for colds and flu. Fortunately there are herbs and nutrients that can help manage these viral infections and keep your immunity strong.

Nutrients For Immune Support

Zinc is crucial for immune function as a zinc deficiency may cause a weakened immune response, predisposing you to a longer or more severe cold. Zinc and vitamin C are nutrients essential to good health and have a growing body of scientific evidence to support their benefits in boosting immunity and strengthening the healing process. Vitamin D is also crucial for good immunity and unfortunately the majority of Australians are deficient in vitamin D. As our bodies make vitamin D from sunlight, vitamin D levels drop during the winter months when it is most needed. As a result, if you have a history of low vitamin D or have low immunity it is a good idea to take a supplement.


If you enjoyed this article and wanting to overcome your winter cold & flu blues, then check out my "Top Cold & Flu Busting Tips" article.