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Chia Pudding

This Chia Pudding is a healthy Spring no cook recipe which is great for breakfast, snacks or a healthy dessert. The chia seeds are packed full of good fats, fibre and vitamins and minerals.


2 cups almond, rice or coconut milk

1 punnet strawberries (can use any type of berries)

3 tablespoons maple syrup, honey or coconut nectar

1 tsp organic vanilla essence

1/2 cup white or black chia seeds



    1. Puree milk,strawberries, honey and vanilla essence in a blender until smooth; pour into a bowl.
    2. Stir chia seeds into the strawberry puree.
    3. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate until set, about 4 hours.


If you enjoyed this Chia Pudding, check out my collection of dessert recipes.